About us


Hadranensis kennel, Italy

Jane Moore & Domenico Tricomi

Domenico Tricomi

Born in Sicily, he has lived in the North of Italy at Bergamo for more than 30 years. He has a degree in Mathematics  and Physics and he worked as a teacher. He has always lived in close contact with Cirnechi as his father kept them for hunting. These dogs were not highly selected for conformation but extremely efficient in finding prey! In his youth he met Dott. Scaldara who lived just a few chilometres away and he spent a lot of time at his kennel where he was able to learn from this breeder who selected splendid animals under the “Taorminensis” affix. In this way his interest in the breed was born and when his curiosity turned into a passion he studied the origins, morphology and function. He has bred cirnechi for many years, working towards combining type and working ability. He is a FCI show and Cirneco hunting  trial judge. Domenico has served on numerous committees at the Italian Kennel Club: Member of the Managing Committee, member of the Italian Breed Council, Vice President of the Bergamo Dog Club and Secretary of the SIS. and elected member of the Disciplinary Committee of the Italian Kennel Club. At present he is member of the committee of the Società Amatori Cirneco dell’Etna (Italian breed Club) www.societaamatoricirneco.it.

Jane Moore